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What is a Mattress Protector? A Detailed Guide - HOKIPO | Har Ghar ka Humsafar

What is a Mattress Protector? A Detailed Guide

Have you ever stayed at a plush, star-rated hotel or visited someone admitted to a hi-end hospital, among other places? If so, you’ve surely seen a mattress protector. You would have seen them below the bed cover.

For those who don’t know what’s a mattress protector, here’re some basic details.

This could help you fully comprehend various features of a mattress protector and possibly, compel you to buying one. These are very useful bed linen or bedding items that’re useful at hotels, hospitals and homes too.

What Is Mattress Protector Or Bed Protector?

Basically, a mattress protector or bed protector is a bed-sized cover, usually made of waterproof or water-resistant material. It is placed over the mattress and under the bedcover. While most mattress protectors are white colored, nowadays you could find them in other shades too. Very often, mattress protectors are quilted, which means they have a regular design to indicate stitching.

Furthermore, mattress protectors are quite bulky and thick. In some cases, they consist of two or more layers. The topmost layer is an attractive cover, which could be white in color or some other shade.

  • The inner layer consists of soft padding that gives the person using the mattress, an added level of comfort.
  • The outer layer can be made of cotton or microfiber or some other material such as polyester, the inner layer is generally composed of vinyl, polyurethane, or PVC.
  • In certain countries with extremely cold weather, mattress protectors come with a third layer, usually to ensure the bed remains warm and hence provides comfortable rest.
  • Specialized mattress protectors can have different kinds of second or third or more layers, depending on their usages, such as special gels for placing burn victims.

While mattress protectors are commonly used by upmarket hotels and hospitals, they’re also popular among affluent Indians that’re aware of its uses. Unfortunately, the use of mattress protectors in India remains limited among the broad population, largely due to ignorance.

Interestingly, mattress protectors aren’t expensive in India and are available at fairly affordable rates both online and offline. Generally, they’re made to fit mass-manufactured and commercially available mattresses made of microfiber, rubberized coir or other synthetic material, since they have a definite shape and size. In rare cases, you can find mattress protectors made to fit handmade mattresses that’re usually made of cotton and hence, lose shape over a period of time.

A mattress protector is known by few more names too. These include Mattress Cover, Bed protector, Mattress Pad, Mattress Case, Mattress Bag and Mattress Topper. The term used depends on country and manufacturer but basically, they mean the same: mattress protector. The types of mattress protectors you can buy online and offline will largely depend on your location.

Benefits of Using Mattress Protectors

Having defined what’re mattress protectors, let’s explore whether using them has any significant benefits for you or whether buying one would prove a sheer waste of money. Using mattress protectors is a personal choice and of course, many factors would go into making such a decision.

However, I will highlight some of the best benefits of mattress protectors that could help you decide on buying one for your home.

1. Protections Against Allergies

Protecting you from allergies is one of the greatest benefits of using a mattress protector at home. The World Allergy Organization reports that some 30 percent of the global population suffers from various kinds of allergies. This report is also supported by the World Health Organization and other local and regional forums.

Using a mattress protector can therefore help you to prevent suffering from various kinds of common bed allergies.

These include:

  • Dust Mite Allergy: Dust mites are tiny organisms that feed on dead skin cells. They live in mattresses, pillows, and bedding, often causing allergies. Mattress protectors can block dust mites, helping to reduce this problem.

  • Mold Allergies: Mold grows on mattresses when exposed to moisture from sweat or spills. It can trigger severe allergies, and a mattress protector helps keep moisture away, preventing mold growth.
  • Bedding Fiber Allergies: Both natural and synthetic materials in bedding (like feathers, coir, or microfiber) can cause allergic reactions. Mattress protectors act as a barrier to reduce contact with these materials.
  • Pet Dander Allergies: If you have pets, their dead skin (dander) and hair can settle in bedding and trigger allergies. A mattress protector helps block pet dander from reaching the mattress.
  • Insect Allergies: Cockroach and insect droppings, saliva, or body parts can accumulate in bedding. Using a mattress protector, along with proper pest control, can help reduce these allergens.
  • Odor Allergies: Bedding often absorbs odors from previous use, especially in hotels. Mattress protectors reduce the chance of absorbing these smells, preventing odor-related allergies.

While most allergies vanish quickly after treatment with proper anti-histamines, some may cause severe symptoms such as allergic rhinitis, hives or even red eyes and fever. In severe cases, you could suffer from respiratory tract illnesses or vision defects due to watery eyes. Such conditions require medical treatment. These can simply be avoided by using mattress protectors.

2. Defense Against Spills & Odors

Worldwide and especially in India, beds or mattresses serve multiple purposes than for merely resting and sleeping. Often, we sit on the mattress and have a drink or meal. Bed tea is one such a common example. We also watch TV while reclining and enjoy snacks or a drink while viewing a show.

Additionally, neonates or babies can wet a mattress when placed without proper waterproof protection. Adults too suffering from incontinence can wet a bed.

Regardless, mattresses absorb spills and leaks since they’re made of absorbent material such as cotton, fiberfill, foam or other materials. All liquids, even if it’s plain water, can stain your mattress. Worse, these fluids encourage the growth of bacteria that thrive in moist conditions. And such bacteria cause unpleasant odors.

These can easily be avoided by using a superb waterproof mattress protector. As I mention earlier, most mattress protectors are made with waterproof or water-resistant material and treated fabrics. This prevents seepage of liquids onto the cover of the mattress and prevents stains. Furthermore, such prevention also helps stave away foul odors that could be caused by fungi and bacteria developing within the mattress stuffing.

As a result, your mattress looks and smells clean and fresh. Well maintained mattresses also require zero maintenance and could last long. These translate as savings for you.

3. More Comfortable Mattresses

Mattresses covered by a mattress protector tend to feel more comfortable. That’s because the double or sometimes triple layer of a mattress protector acts like a buffer between your body and the mattress. Since mattress protectors are soft and at the same time, firm, you could enjoy better rest and sleep.

A lot of commercially available mattress protectors also come with a foam padding which adds to the comfort. The ones used by hotels and resorts usually are padded and hence, guests get that feel of luxury. In areas that experience extremely cold weather, mattress protectors have an extra layer of materials that can lock in warmth in the bed and also offer some protection to the user.

You too could use a mattress protector to add bulk to any mattress for making it comfortable for reclining or sleeping. They could help save money on buying a new mattress. There’re suitable mattress covers available for such purposes too.

4. Neat and Organized Look

Your bedroom automatically adorns a neat and organized look when you fix mattress covers. That’s because of two reasons. Firstly, mattress protectors or mattress cases can help ensure that a mattress is rightly placed on the bed.

This makes it easier for you to make the bed with bedcovers. And even in the absence of a bedcover, the mattress looks tidy and clean, if you’ve maintained the mattress protector clean and tidy.

Secondly, mattress covers by themselves serve as a sort of bedcover. This is particularly useful if you have a spare bedroom that’s seldom used. Using a mattress protector can give such bedrooms a clean and inviting look without the need of a bedcover, which can be put on later, when needed. A mattress pad also makes the mattress or bed look thicker and more comfortable.

5. Protection Against Nature

India is a subcontinent and hence, we experience different kinds of weather in this country. These changes in weather also affect a mattress directly. For example, a mattress would be susceptible to absorbing atmospheric humidity during summer and monsoons, due to the inherent nature of its stuffing or filling. Such inadvertent absorptions can lead to internal damages as well as growth of fungi and bacteria, among other pathogens.

During winters, the mattress could absorb condensed water vapor from the atmosphere and also cause fungal and bacterial growth in the inner material. These are detrimental to the mattress and could shorten their lifespan, while rendering them uncomfortable for rest and sleep.

Using a good mattress protector could protect the mattress against such climatic vagaries and ensure it stays clean and healthy for year-round use.

Types of Mattress Protectors

If you’re convinced by now that using a mattress protector can work in several amazing ways for the household and you, while saving money, you might wish to buy one online or offline. However, before rushing to buy one, it’s important to understand the various kinds of mattress protectors available in the market. That way, you could get a better value for money and defend your mattress and health against various undesirable hazards.

Generally speaking, mattress protectors or mattress covers or mattress pads are made according to the purpose they serve. There are 12 different kinds of mattress protectors in the market, both online and offline. Knowing each of these types could help choose the best one.

1. Mattress Covers Based on Materials

These types of mattress cover depend on the type of materials that go into their manufacture. These are the most common types of mattress protectors available online and offline in India and abroad.

  • Waterproof Mattress Protectors: As the term suggests, these mattress protectors prevent seepage of fluids into the bed, thus avoiding stains, odors and breeding of pathogens. They’re made of natural and synthetic material such as vinyl and polyurethane.
  • Water Resistant Mattress Protectors: Made of natural or synthetic materials, these don’t provide full protection against staining or seepage by fluids. These mattress covers aren’t fully impervious but offer a greater degree of comfort since their external layer is usually made of cotton or some other natural fiber.
  • Organic Mattress Protectors: Often the expensive of the kind, organic mattress protectors are made of cotton, jute and other such natural fibers. They’re highly absorbent and sometimes, treated with chemicals to make them water-resistant. Organic mattress protectors offer a relatively better level of comfort.

 2. Mattress Covers Based on Purpose

Next, we have a genre of mattress covers that’re designed and made to serve specific purposes. These mattress covers are fairly affordable. They could come in various types and in different sizes and colors, depending on your location and place you buy.

  • Baby & Toddler Mattress Protectors: These offer a high degree of waterproofing to ensure that the mattress and its stuffing remains dry. Such mattress protectors also prevent staining to a great degree.
  • Pet Proof Mattress Protectors: If you have pets, use this type of a mattress protector. They’re made of thicker and stronger material that’s tear-resistant and can withstand scratching and biting from cats and dogs. They also are waterproof and stain-proof. However, it’s necessary to clean such mattress protectors frequently.
  • Heat Locking Mattress Protectors: As the name suggests, such mattress protectors have three or sometimes more layers to lock in heat and keep your bed warm. Such mattress protectors are used in areas that experience extremely cold weather conditions.
  • Gel Based Mattress Protectors: Such kinds of mattress protectors are not generally available in India. These are waterproof and consist of a layer of gel. Such mattress protectors are used at military hospitals and such places for placing burn victims and sometimes, severely incapacitated persons to prevent bedsores.

 3. Feature Based Mattress Protectors

You can also buy mattress protectors that offer a specific desired feature or function. These are also one of the commonest kinds of mattress covers and hence, available easily in the online and offline markets.

  • Breathable Mattress Protectors: Generally used in areas that experience hot weather. Breathable mattress protectors are made of materials such as cotton or fine microfibers that allow superb airflow. This feature can reduce or eliminate sweating and hence, help promote restful sleep.
  • Allergen Proof Mattress Protectors: Made with materials that repel dust mites, mold, and other allergens, these are ideal for individuals with sensitivities. Such mattress protectors are superb if you’re prone to allergies due to any reason. Using these kinds of mattress protectors could help slash your medical bills by preventing allergies.
  • Luxury Mattress Protectors: True to their names, these mattress protectors are crafted with luxury of the users in mind. They have two or three layers. One of these layers is an extra padding that adds a soft bulk to the mattress and makes it more comfortable. Such mattress protectors are common in the hospitality industry.

 4. Fit Based Mattress Protectors

And finally, fit-based mattress protectors. There’re two kinds of mattress protectors based on this style. These are designed and made to fit the mattress perfectly and provide for quick fitting and removal. Such mattress protectors are ideal for homes.

  • Fitted Mattress Protectors: Such mattress covers are designed to fit snugly over your mattress. Elastic or stretchable bands on these protectors stay in place over the mattress and provide a comfortable sleeping surface. Generally, inexpensive mattress protectors come in this category.
  • Encased Mattress Protectors: These cover the entire mattress, including the sides, offering maximum protection. They come with bands or buttons or even zippers on one side. The mattress is usually inserted into such a protector. The protector serves as a sort of bag or outer sheath for the mattress.

You can choose a mattress protector based on a combination of features that suit your needs, such as waterproofing, allergen protection, comfort, or fit. Most mattress protectors available in stores or online offer a mix of these features, helping you find the best protector for your mattress depending on your specific preferences for material, comfort, and protection.

Tips to Buy a Mattress Protector

Should you decide to benefit by using a mattress protector, obviously, you’ll need to buy. That’s fairly simple since there’s a large selection of mattress covers or mattress protectors available in India to suit most needs and budgets.

Therefore, here’re some broad tips that could help you buy a mattress protector for home. Using these tips might help make the best choice.

  • Decide Your Budget: Like everything in India, mattress protectors are also available to suit different budgets. It’s very confusing to know how much you will spend on one. Therefore, take a look at some online offers and finalize your budget for a mattress protector.
  • Know Your Purpose: What’re the reasons you’re buying a mattress protector? Do you require waterproof ones or just to make a bed more comfortable? Are you or household members prone to allergies? Knowing the purpose will help find and buy a suitable one that matches your needs.
  • Measure the Bed: This isn’t much of a problem since mattress comforters are generally available in standard sizes such as single bed, double bed, queen size, king size and so on. These are purpose made to suit beds of various common sizes available in India. However, measuring your bed can help choose the best size and ensure it’s not small or large while providing best fit.
  • Type of Fit: As I mention earlier, there’re two broad types of mattress protectors: fitted and encased. Usually, encased mattress protectors are expensive and sometimes cost double than the fitted mattress protectors. Hence, be careful while selecting the fit since you would be fixing it on the mattress or bed, with some help.
  • Maintenance Costs: Consider maintenance costs. All types of mattress protectors require professional cleaning from a laundry. They’re bulky and hence won’t fit easily into a home washing machine. The bulk makes hand wash difficult and laborious. Also, they don’t dry as quickly and hanging them on clotheslines or hangers isn’t possible due to the wet weight.

These considerations could help you select the best mattress protector and save some money too. Therefore, consider all the above points before buying a mattress protector.

How To Use a Mattress Protector?

Fitting or using a mattress protector is a very simple and easy process, depending on the size of your mattress or bed. However, in most cases, you’ll need some assistance from a household member to fix a mattress protector.

If you’re using a fitted mattress protector, simply place it in the center of the mattress and stretch each side till it’s properly fitted and elastic bands secured. Make sure that the mattress protector is spread evenly.

Fitting an encased mattress protector is slightly laborious and requires two or more persons, depending on the size and weight of the mattress. In such cases, you’ve to insert one end of the mattress into the bag-like protector and pull it to cover the entire mattress. Ensure that it’s spread evenly on all sides before fastening the buttons or bands.

Once fitted, your mattress protector is now ready to use. You can derive the best benefits of a mattress protector by buying the right type and size, while ensuring proper and regular maintenance.

Wrap Up

Though uncommon in Indian households, it’s a well-known fact worldwide that mattress protectors can help save a lot of money. Other than that, they’re also useful for preventing allergies and other diseases. Mattress covers could help keep your bedroom odor free while giving it a pleasant, neat and clean look.

If you’re one of those preferring customized cotton mattresses, order or buy one after ensuring that suitable mattress covers are indeed available in the market. Since cotton mattresses that’re favorite in India, tend to be highly absorbent, using a superb mattress protector can help extend their life and keep them feeling soft and comfortable, odor-free, pest-free and allergen-free for long.






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